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Our Las Vegas branch is open!

Our branch in Las Vegas, established in 2011, offers historical fencing classes primarily focused on Italian and German Longsword, Saber, Sidesword based on the Bolognese school of fencing, Sword and Buckler, Messer, Smallsword, and Rapier. From time to time, fencing classes covering other historical weapons are also offered.

Yes, we are open and currently offering classes!

Our regular practice schedule (subject to change):

Saturday Evening:

4:00 - Smallsword
5:30 - Longsword
7:00 - Rapier

Sunday Evening:

3:00 - Sidesword / Sword & Buckler
4:30 - Messer / Saber
6:00 - Longsword

The Noble Science Academy is the only place in the Las Vegas / Henderson area where you can come to to learn swordplay based on British, German, and Bolognese fencing traditions.

Interested in joining our historical fencing classes?  Contact us.

Follow our Instagram account for sword posts and class updates!

If you're already a member of our Las Vegas branch, sign in to the Las Vegas Member Portal and download PushPress Members from the app store.

Check out our calendar below for information on class times, weapon types, class descriptions, and coach information!


Las Vegas Fencing Academy
6445 W Sunset Rd
Unit 152
Las Vegas, NV 89118