The Noble Science Academy in Northern Nevada offers dedicated Historical European Martial Arts classes for teens, offering youth a chance to learn how to use historical weaponry with their peers in a safe environment.

The Academy in other locations may allow teens to attend adult classes.  Contact us for more information.

By participating in our classes, students learn how to:

Get in shape and stay in shape
Fencing and martial arts are excellent exercise, and our classes can provide both the opportunity and the motivation to develop the kind of core strength that keeps youth fit and active.

Gain confidence and purpose
Not only does being active help youth to feel good about themselves and become more confident, but the particular challenges found in historical fencing also help students to develop purpose as they progress through a system which is demanding both physically and mentally.   Our historical fencing classes also teach students focus and discipline, and provide a path for self-mastery that encourages youth to reach beyond themselves and work towards a greater goal.

Sharpen the mind
Studying the Noble Science involves developing a sense of tactical awareness and cultivating the ability to make decisions under pressure.  Students who are interested in the academic side of HEMA will also have the opportunity to directly study Medieval and Renaissance texts, hone their critical thinking skills, and potentially even learn a new language.  Higher-ranking students are called Scholars, with good reason.

Connect with the past
Though our equipment is modern, our art is ancient.  At the Noble Science Academy, we are part of a tradition that stretches back centuries, and we learn the exact same martial principles and techniques that were taught to knights of old.

Don't worry about equipment—we'll provide everything that's needed.